Las grandes caidas libres de la libra frente al dólar en una sola sesión

Tendríamos por orden de caída, y la del viernes sería la menor

9) 24 June  2016 (-7.64%) Brexit

8) 19 June 1866: (-7.76%).

7) 25 Sep 1931: (-7.89%) A few days after the gold standard was abandoned, the pound continued to depreciate, though it did jump by 7.14% the next day.

6) 10 May 1940: (-9.79%) War-related deviation from the dollar peg.

5) 25 Mar 1863: (-10.90%).

4) 20 Nov 1967: (-13.02%) Devaluation to battle the UK’s economic problems.

3) 30 Sep 1869: (-18.75%).

2) 21 Sep 1931: (-23.57%) Gold standard abandoned in the Depression.

1) 19 Sep 1949: (-30.41%) Pound devalued under Bretton Woods because of economic concerns.

caidas de la libra

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