Un artículo que tilda de mafia organizada a la Banca estadounidense

lavar dinero

Leo esto y parece que lo dice un loco comunista pero no, lo dice THE WASHINGTONS  BLOG el 6 de septiembre pasado,  es muy duro decirle esto a la banca en toda su cara en EEUU , le dan por todos los lados sin cortarse un pelo.

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You Won’t Believe What They’ve Done …

Here are just some of the improprieties by big banks over the last century (you’ll see that many shenanigans are continuing today):

  • Laundering money for terrorists (the HSBC employee who blew the whistle on the banks’ money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels says that the giant bank is still laundering money, saying:  “The public needs to know that money is still being funneled through HSBC to directly buy guns and bullets to kill our soldiers …. Banks financing … terrorists affects every single American.” He also said: “It is disgusting that our banks are STILL financing terror on 9/11 2013“.  And see this)
  • Funding the Nazis
  • Financing illegal arms deals, and funding the manufacture of cluster bombs (and see this and this) and other arms which are banned in most of the world
  • Launching a coup against the President of the United States
  • Handling money for rogue military operations
  • Laundering money for drug cartels. See this, this, this, this and this (indeed, drug dealers kept the banking system afloat during the depths of the 2008 financial crisis).   A whistleblower said: “America is losing the drug war because our banks are [still] financing the cartels“, and “Banks financing drug cartels … affects every single American“.  And see this.)
  • Engaging in mafia-style big-rigging fraud against local governments. See this, this and this
  • Shaving money off of virtually every pension transaction they handled over the course of decades, stealing collectively billions of dollars from pensions worldwide. Details here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here
  • Manipulating aluminum and copper prices
  • Manipulating gold prices … on a daily basis
  • Charging “storage fees” to store gold bullion … without even buying or storing any gold . And raiding allocated gold accounts
  • Committing massive and pervasive fraud both when they initiated mortgage loans and when they foreclosed on them (and see this)
  • Pledging the same mortgage multiple times to different buyers. See this, this, this, this and this. This would be like selling your car, and collecting money from 10 different buyers for the same car
  • Cheating homeowners by gaming laws meant to protect people from unfair foreclosure
  • Committing massive fraud in an $800 trillion dollar market which effects everything from mortgages, student loans, small business loans and city financing
  • Manipulating the hundred trillion dollar derivatives market
  • Engaging in insider trading of the most important financial information
  • Pushing investments which they knew were terrible, and then betting against the same investments to make money for themselves. See this, this, this, this and this
  • Engaging in unlawful “frontrunning” to manipulate markets. See this, this, this, this, this and this
  • Engaging in unlawful “Wash Trades” to manipulate asset prices. See this, this and this
  • Manipulating corporate bonds through derivatives schemes
  • Otherwise manipulating markets. And see this
  • Participating in various Ponzi schemes. See this, this and this
  • Charging veterans unlawful mortgage fees
  • Helping the richest to illegally hide assets
  • Cooking their books (and see this)
  • Bribing and bullying ratings agencies to inflate ratings on their risky investments
  • Violently cracking down on peaceful protesters

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